Why lululemon?

It’s more than just running.


“Should” should probably be eliminated from our vocabulary.

A runner should just run. A runner should look a certain way. A champion shouldn’t waste her time chasing down business initiatives or waste energy engaging with fans when she should be training and recovering. An athlete should not show weakness and should never admit to needing help with her mental health. An athlete shouldn’t take a stand on social and racial justice issues and should stay out of politics in general.

No more “should”s.

This runner does more than run. And finally this runner will no longer work with brands or people who don’t accept and even celebrate every side of her both off and on the track.

I love interacting with my fans both on social media and in person. Every time I hear someone say “you are a role model for my daughter” I swear my heart swells and my eyes tear up. I enjoy sharing my story with my followers because in my experience that is where the connections are made and those connections are what turns a follower into a fan for life. Seeing your braid pictures every week and hearing about your struggles with injury makes us both feel like we have something in common.

I want to use my voice when I see injustice in the world and help spread understanding, kindness, and love to those who need it most. I don’t want to feel scared to speak up and speak out because someone might disagree or because it might cause someone to feel uncomfortable.

I am more than a runner.

I am a daughter, sister, friend, and teammate.

I am an activist.

I am a mentor.

I am a leader.

I am an ally.

I do more than just run.

I love cooking yummy food for myself and my loved ones.

I do pilates and yoga.

I go on hikes with my dog.

I meditate and practice mindfulness.

I teach girls and women how to braid their hair and host braid bars.

I encourage people to use and move their bodies daily.

I celebrate and honor my body and call others to do the same.

Running is great. It’s probably my favorite thing to do. But that’s not the end, not at all. 

Running is the beginning. 

So if you are striving for medals and records- more power to ya! Me too! If you’re trying to feel good in your skin, fill yourself up, let it all go, find your center, and create happiness… me too.

Let’s do it together because running can look like an individual sport from the outside, but once you get in it you realize it’s the biggest team sport of them all.

Come run with me. Come run with my new partner, lululemon. It’s gonna be a great ride.


lululemon GIVEAWAY

I teased a giveaway in my IG, and here it is! The catch is that you will have to be a newsletter subscriber to enter the contest because you will need a code word that will be found in the newsletter sent out on 5/19/21 to all my subscribers.

If you have the code word, enter below to win one of the following prizes. If you don’t have the code word, subscribe to my newsletter and you’ll get the code in your email shortly. Use that code to enter below!


  • 4 $150 lululemon gift cards

  • 4 pieces of autographed lululemon apparel

Winners will be selected at random and notified via email.